RASH, version 0.02SPINACH
Pseudo random-numbers for friends who don't trust each other.
Secure as long as you believe in it.

Upon page-load both a random Ciphertext and a Key will be generated for you to share.

First, everyone shares his Ciphertext with each other.
Only after the Ciphertext of all participants has been received are Keys shared.

The inputs will be verified, if the background color of a row changes to red, the entered Ciphertext and Key pair do not match, either you have entered the wrong pair or someone has given you a faulty pair.

Lastly from the inputs a number will be generated and a given Modulo will be applied.

Hint: It doesn't matter if you enter both Ciphertext and Key enclosed in normal braces or whitespaces.

Example: Alice and Bob want to simulate the roll of a D6, they chat over their favorite IM. - First Alice gives Bob her Ciphertext, Bob gives Alice his Ciphertext, now Alice gives Bob her key, Bob gives Alice his key, they enter their inputs and set the Modulo to 6. - Both see the result of 0 and conclude they rolled the 1-side of the D6.

Ciphertext Key
Result: {{total_result}}

I believed in it and it worked!

John Doe